Music Copyist services
The process:
1. You contact me, by phone, or email.
2. You send me a copy of your hand-written score and/or parts and any specific instructions (see contract below for details).
3. I estimate how long it will take, and send you this in writing (projects taking longer than estimated will not incur any extra fees).
4. You then print out the contract form (see below), fill it out sign and send it to me.
5. Upon receipt of the contract, I proceed with the project, and contact you upon completion.
6. I show you the finished product, and if it is deemed acceptable, you pay me then (check, cash or paypal are all acceptable), and I write you a receipt.
7. If there are any unwanted discrepancies between the score you submitted to me, and the finished product, I will correct, reprint, and resend those pages to you at no additional charge.
Contract for Copyist services of Joe Good.
Title of work:
I __________________________________ (Print full name), have agreed to pay the copyist Joe Good $_____ / Hour for _________ Hours for a total cost of $_____________upon receipt of the completed project. The project is expected to be completed and (check all that apply)
_______Scanned, attached and sent via email in entirety or segments
no later than ___/____/______ (mm/dd/yy).
I understand that any copyist errors will be corrected at no additional charge upon copyists receipt of the corrected score or part with corrections clearly notated in red pen. Joe Good will not be held liable for errors occurring due to illegible submissions from the client. I understand that additional charges may apply for client-instigated corrections on a project which has already begun, or which has been completed. In such a case, another estimate will be issued, and a new contract will need to be submitted with the corrections clearly marked in red pen on a copy of the printed score.
Joe Good agrees not to use any part of your original work without prior written consent, and if requested, will delete the original file from his hard drive upon receipt of payment or after all corrections are made.
___Client wishes all copies of project file to be destroyed on __/__/____ (mm/dd/yy)
Payment must be received in full at the time of completion in the form of United States currency (foreign banks not accepted).
The client may request "common sense" corrections to be made during the creation of the score. Such "common sense" corrections include: easier-to-read enharmonic spelling, filling empty/incomplete measures with rests, and/or correcting chord spelling. These extra steps may take extra time, and be reflected in the copyists estimate.
Please mark which applies:
_____ Client requests "common sense" corrections as described above.
_____ Client does not want "common sense" corrections to be performed (insofar as is possible within the constraints of the notation program in use).
Please mark all which the client will be receiving upon the completion date:
_____ Score
_____ Parts
_____ Printed Version
_____ PDF Version
_____ Audio Rendering (please specify format)___________
_____ Finale 2000 File
_____ Finale 2006 File
_____ Finale 2009 File
_____ General MIDI file (.mid) Format type _____________
_____ Other format (please specify) ____________________
I ________________________________(print name) have read, and understand the terms of the contract above and am prepared to pay the full cost upon receipt of the completed product.
______________________________________(sign name) ______________(date)
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